A Journey of Black and Red
A Journey of Black and Red novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Drama, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Mecanimus. 231 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
That's down in Rank... It looks promising, no way, another one to the library while I finish Agains The Gods
Female lead ? I dunno about that
Good Story and Hot and Sexy-shaped bloodsucking beings for me to read? It's a good day!😋😂
The novel was great! I didn’t want it to end. I’ll probably buy the books that way I can hoard them just like Arianne with her paintings lmao!! It was great, I highly recommend.
I don't know how abomination like harem god is in top 20 but a gem like this which has distinctive and great writing with a competent and enjoyable mc with one of the best worldbuilding and a way to describe emotions so well with the words is ranked below 550 it is truly a shame that this doesn't get recognition it deserves. P.s: I yapped a lot lol
adding to my library so I can start reading after I finish Mol and Lotm pt 1
Alright I am ready to start this I am really excited.
Is it good or no go
Hmmm is this a hidden gem I have stumbled upon..
I had dropped it because of the late releases and now that it has finished, I picked it up again. The end of the knight arc was just otherworldly. One of my favorites in all the novels I've read till now.