Abe the Wizard (WN)

Rank 502

List of reviews made by users for the Abe the Wizard (WN) novel.

21 users have written reviews for the Abe the Wizard (WN) novel and rated it with an average score of 3.9 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 502nd among all the novels in the Light Novel World platform.

21 Reviews

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anovelnovel 2
Chapter 1512 10 days ago

If you can ignore the many grammatical errors and focus on the story this is a very solid 4/5. Story isn't anything groundbreaking but is very engaging with very few chapters I just skimmed over because it was lagging. This is labeled fan fiction but its main content has basically no relation to the diablo games if the author didn't use the equipment from the games it may as well be a totally original story. If you're looking for peak literature then go to your local library if not then give this a read.

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VolantiSCHAR 2
Chapter 1341 4 months ago

I have read this novel, and I have to say that it is average in quality. The plot is decent if you are into Diablo 2, but everything else feels generic. In my opinion , it is good as a starter novel, for those who look into the fantasy genre, but that is it.

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McKinley12 4
Chapter 1110 7 months ago

i have completed the novel, and i will say if you enjoy the game Diablo II and you like progression wizard novels this novel is for you, ignore the tags that say romance because there is barely any throughout this novel and while she isn't forgotten about it barely has romance iirc they didn't even have s*x. This novel has various aspects from the game Diablo and even spends i'd say 20-30% of the novel in that world and uses its mechanics. All in all i enjoyed this novel and the ending was pretty good as well i'd recommend it with a foot forward!

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Not_a_bot 14
Chapter 147 9 months ago

i have read 147 chapters and gonna drop this it gets boring real soon as it literally takes 100 chapter for mc to become a wizard in the first place and the story is really slow for my taste

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CaptainCrimson 35
Chapter 1512 10 months ago

The novel is good. But its not for everyone. This book will be loved by Diablo fans even though I barely played it. However if you want to read something good I recommend reading things like SS, Lotm, TBATE, Tapov, Trash of count family, Supremacy games, Supreme Magus etc.

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Mania5000 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Meh. Nothing very interesting going on. No sense of struggle. No journey of discovery and not much personal development. Just useful for mindless character scrolling and time killing. Things are happening and nobody really cares.

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HeyImDaniel 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Very nice story. Mc usually works and trains all the time, but still has the time to enjoy life. I'd say give it a try and if you don't like it don't read it.

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DaoistNixon 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I like the novel, but the MC sometimes act like his everybody's b*tch. He helps anyone who ask for his help like "i will do anything to help you". Like chil let that moron die

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netherbltch 4
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

my problems with this novel. the translator he obviously didnt look at anything diablo related. pior to translating this, he mixed so many runes together or just didnt name the correct rune he then later changes the rune into a different name 2nd problem the time 400 chapters in mc is still 15 after becoming a master blacksmith master alchemist becoming a knight commander level 5 wizard traveling across the whole continent it be reasonable if he was around 25 which would be his age in the dark world granted but still its just unbelievable. 3rd problem everything goes his way like no draw back at all he doesn't lose anything he becomes op with no challenges pretty much

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SaintJ 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This story is entertaining and I have enjoyed it so far it is one of my favorite light novels on Lightnovelpub and it is always exciting to see how Able will advance and get more power.

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