City of Witches
City of Witches

City of Witches

RANK 350
388 Chapters 820K Views 4.08K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

City of Witches novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, and Ecchi genres. Written by the Author Wilted Flower. 388 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


Five years after being kidnapped and ens*aved in a city full of Witches, I became the only male Witch in the world!

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Warning! Novel-specific rules;
This novel is for adults (18+). If this genre is not suitable for you, skip it and please do not read the chapters and do not review or comment on the novel.

Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 187: Twin Rush (1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 180: Pleasant Daily Life (2)
: 1 comment on Chapter 177: Friendship?? (4)
: 1 comment on Chapter 175: Friendship?? (2)
: 1 comment on Chapter 172: Friendship? (5)
  • ThePotatoMaster 1

    This is legit the best sm*t novel I've ever read The character depth and development is better in this novel than 95% of the trash on this site Even the sm*t scenes are the best here Power system is good MC's reaction is always realistic, and so are other side characters bros you gotta read this one

  • _Merlin_Hermes_ 1

    When will Mc and Amelia will their sm*t scene can you guys tell me the chapter no

    Edited: 3d
  • JhinVirtusuo 1

    Chap.27 so after suffering for 5 years cause of her and all them witches he suddenly thinks that killing em is bad?? What about the slaves that were suffering so much?? What about that one slave that wanted to die since he didn't want to suffer anymore but MC saved him so he definitely got tortured and disciplined due to his disobedience. When will he change Holy f*ck

    Edited: 23d
    • CrystalCat 8

      sounds like stalk home syndrome maybe?

      • JhinVirtusuo 1

        Stockholm syndrome? No, cause Stockholm syndrome is falling in love with your enemy no? But they need to make you fall in love with them, she has literally done nothing for the past 5 years except make him suffer and a few days of goodwill, if you can even say it since all she did was buy him a gift.

      • CrystalCat 8

        I mean when you have your mentality broken over 5 years you start to view your captor as someone who has control over you and when shown even a spec of kindness you start to think of things like love, or idk.

      • JhinVirtusuo 1

        Mentally broken?? He did not give up trying to escape, in fact he's close to escaping where did he even get mentally broken??

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  • Zero0626 1

    Im on chapter 19 when does this novel pick up and get better its pretty boring rn

    Edited: 3mo
    • Dao_seeking_guardian 7

      Just keep reading after some chaps plot will thicken

    • Ekzarcun 12

      I got a brain anurism from ch 7-9

    • 919dejavu 1

      maybe you will be bored for a long time, but the novella is very interesting, you may only get into it somewhere around chapters 80-140, but the beginning is clearly not boring (or rather for me)

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  • Felipealvs 1

    Cap 30 and It's hard to continue

  • Sheaa 15

    328, nice a good pace, tho it'll take quite a bit to TL 1300+ ch, so i'll just stick with the mtl for now

  • KiYoShIhErMaN 1

    1367 Chapters (Completed): -Main Story: 1251 Chapters (Completed) -Side Stories: 116 Chapters (Completed) Well this one might get dropped soon I think

  • whatever2023 1

    Anyone know why it’s not updated? It’s already at ch 316.

  • Barbosa99 4

    Where can i find the illustrations??? I've searched a lot but couldn't find them 😔

  • Comedylover 2

    How do new witches get born considdring they only pass on exisiting ones?

    • LIONBDT 4

      They dont, thats why their population decreased significsntly since the creation witch. But later on the novel, mc creates a spell to impregnate his wives, becaude only amelia could get pregnant naturally

      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        Although they can't give birth to their own children, they can adopt non-witches as their daughters/disciples and pass their brand to them, thus effectively transforming them into witches. So their population doesn't decrease unless a witch dies before she can pass on her brand.

        Edited: 4mo
      • LIONBDT 4

        I meant to say that, but ok

      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        No worries bro, I gotchu

      • Joey_ 1

        What are you serious?😅 did you read the mtl or are you joking?

      • LIONBDT 4

        I read it bro. It's more than twelve hundred chapters on the raw, and believe me when i say that our mc ends with like 9 wifes or so. I dont remember it correctly

      • Joey_ 1

        Oh ok is the story completed? and how many children does he have? I read the wiki but I guess its not up to date.

      • LIONBDT 4

        Well, ig the main story was completed by the 13 hundreds. Now it's the story of siwoo's kids ig (it's in korean, so i might be saying wrong) bit it practically ends after qliphoth and gehena war and siwoo's proposal

      • Joey_ 1

        ok thanks for the info bro 🙏

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