Crazy Leveling System novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Shounen genres. Written by the Author Crazy Meng Meng. 1086 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
Crazy Leveling System novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Shounen genres. Written by the Author Crazy Meng Meng. 1086 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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where are the next chapters???
Hi, there's no more chapter???
Until when is the terrible translation?
congratulations on the story, the mc could use his alchemy and blacksmithing skills more often and get another wife
I was enjoying it when it started, but after a while it started to get boring. Because everywhere MC goes, they are underestimated and belittled, and then they regret it when they see their true power.
Hello guys... Iam just want to say please respect the author of the novel, just don't spit suck words or badmouthing a novel/author. Because i can't write the novels and only a reader hehehehe. (Sorry my English not good ) ✌️✌️✌️
The story has a great potential and is highly recommend to read if you are reading for fun. There are some concept like power level values and multiple or unwanted female character interaction everywhere MC goes and at the start the main character called is women aunt that made a assumption of *nc*st which has not that welcoming but still the story is good
I read this prob around 2 years ago and have only found like 1 other person who has ever read this (other than the ppl here ig) i didnt read it on this site tho and im not even sure if it was on this site then. Anyways i enjoyed this novel and have been meaning to reread it forever now. Prob wont for at least a year tho since im busy
Does the horrible translation get better
Soon he left the three realms how will he get back if you can’t be stronger then a divine king to enter ? Or does the titles help him with that ? Tbh it’s really good…but to end the novel is far fetched…end goal is to end the evil spirt race correct….but when they told the king he said no other faction made claim to three realms…so in reality it’s a cycle…people stronger will arrive , he goes to planet destroys them…doing that p*ss*s off whoever owns them…comes to three realms on repeat blah blah till he’s the strongest in the universe 😂but I don’t think aurthor will take it that far since that would mean many many many chapters…
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