Free Life Fantasy Online novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Comedy genres. Written by the Author Nenohi Akisuzu. 93 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
Free Life Fantasy Online novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Comedy genres. Written by the Author Nenohi Akisuzu. 93 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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Never Forget to Support the Official Release.
UPDATE: They focused more on the manga for this one. Where I'm from, there are already 3 physical volumes released.
Pretty good novel especially the game. The game setting is interesting, the race system offers variety, and the skills and elements are also great. My only complaint is that the mc is a pseudo-mary sue
I can understand wanting to use an aggregator for the ease of keeping track of multiple releases, but please consider reading on the original translator's sites, where it is both regularly updated and properly formatted. Since I am apparently not allowed to post the links, a quick google search for Krytyk will get you the first half of the series, and one for Karutl the second.
amazing storyline till now, when is the new update? I have read this 5 times already in this week.
When the new chapter release?
The story itself is entertaining. The author gives way too much attention to skills and abilities though, like whole chapters of just the MC sitting there going through her skill list. Then the MC spends most of her time crafting or learning a few skills and yet somehow she's a top player? The serious gamers would roll right over this girl like she's not even there. Soon as she does get something that would give her enough advantage to get to the top, what does she do? This dumb girl goes and blabs her mouth to everyone, even going so far as to post on the forums her character information. And yet she's in the "Top" group. . . I don't buy it.
Lol finally I have 102, 47% read novel 84 chaps but only counted 81 lol
my question is how the hell was "anastasia" not a taken name?
The problem with having a FL is that most authors think that women are timid or something. This makes them write the FL as so. That makes the book pretty garbage because I hate that in some novels the FL lets themselves be walked all over. It's displeasing. I'd rather not read that. On the off chance the FL is strong, it's a face-slapping novel. I've grown out of those so long ago and would not like to go back. The best FL (with story to match) are only found in romance novels which may not be everyone's cup of tea.