Martial Arts Master
Martial Arts Master novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Drama, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Cuttlefish That Loves Diving. 753 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
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This is a manual to conquer your ideal girl
We getting diabetes with this one🗣🗣🗣🔥
this can be considered as a very laidback read.. And for me it was hard to read a lot of chapters at once.. imo treat it as a..'feel good novel' after every intense read... i read it twice like this and the romance is still fresh.. And its cuttlefish you know that can't go wrong..
Time to Reread again ✌️
Is it a romance novel with a martial art subplot or is it a martial art novel with romance subplot? I find romance in stories cringe so I need to know before reading this.
Don't mind me. I'm only hear to experience a romance which probably I'll never have.
when does the romance start?
How is the power scales? Mountain level?
ı think its a pretty good(10/6.5) novel but last 100,150 chapter feel very rushed,everything written without details.especially the fights with the dragon king and sage in the last chapters is really disappointment.In short ı think end is not satisfying but still great novel with romance and martial arts
Really good novel..try it.