Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Chen Rui. 903 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Chen Rui. 903 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
Dos the mc has super powers?
well, imma add this to my library... I've always been a fan of greek... tho IG there won't be any demigods or something in this
Lets see about this one Edit: nah forget it, grammar is cr*p
My sense are telling me this bout to be a good read but doubts still remains. Is there anybody that can vouch that this is good??
What happened? It's been a month or so since the last update. Is it on hiatus or something?
Finna check it out
Does it have fantasy elements (like magic or supernatural things)
The title is so specific lmao
If you're in need of a kingdom-building novel and don't mind MTL, I highly recommend "我在法兰西当王太子" (I am the Dauphin of France). Similar to "Holy Roman Empire," but much better overall.
How much long until this gets completed? I heard new chapters comes very slowly and i don't want to wait for them, would much rather wait until it gets finished.