My Iyashikei Game
My Iyashikei Game

My Iyashikei Game

My Healing Game

RANK 403
1000 Chapters 1.02M Views 1.19K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

My Iyashikei Game novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Horror genres. Written by the Author I Can Fix Air-Conditioners. 1000 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


Police officer, would you believe me if I say this is an Iyashikei game?

Translator’s Summary:

Han Fei is a comedy actor who is down on luck.

Things seemed to be turning for the better when he was given an expensive gaming helmet to a virtual reality game called Perfect Life, a soothing iyashikei (slice-of-life) game that heals one’s soul.

Little did he know what he thought was heaven was actually a hell filled with terrifying ghosts and vengeful spirits.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 204: New Game Update
: 1 comment on Chapter 178: The House of the Butcher
: 1 comment on Chapter 177: They are not on the Same Level
: 1 comment on Chapter 1000: The End
: 1 comment on Chapter 131: Good Working Relationship
  • TheOnlyChou 2

    I'm not gonna lie, the altar missions really killed the vibe. Being tossed into what is essentially a different story for 100 chapters just didn't work for me

  • Mbboi1234 13

    It's an awesome read. Give it a go. Honestly, I loved the ending Also, let's not compare MIG with MHOH. It looks like some people's experiences have been ruined because of the comparison. Both novels are quite unique in their respective field. In my opinion, MHOH felt like a horror action genre, while MIG felt like an emotional action genre. If you read this you can see some of my comments and see(read) what I'm talking about

    Edited: 3mo
  • KiYoShIhErMaN 1

    novel is complete admins should update status

  • Sheeza 32

    Well here is my honest review regarding the story after 300+ chapters. It started good, nice plot, a good mc. Mc was different from Chen Ge like if I have to describe than Chen was used to bulldoze his way through everything but Han Fei is different. He is more intelligent and knows when and where to retreat. CG was like a seriel killer on loose but HF is like a responsible cop but yes but Chen did all kind of research and put all his efforts despite his violent tendencies but sometimes I feel like HF is served everything on plate. Not literally but whenever he needs information about something. He just gets it the next. The family of victims are cooperative, police provides him with all information. He works in Horror movie. The sequence he needed to clear his area in game is exact about what kind of movie he gets. C'mon that's just plot armor helping him. 2nd point MHoH transformed from horror to horror themed action in later part of story. Like 700s but here after 100-150 chapter.

    Edited: 3mo
  • DiaaADA 1

    Can someone tell me what this one is all about(to know if it is made for me or not ) cuz i am just searching for good novels to read after finishing RI and many other novels(to be specific beside RI everything else is in the Stacking list so i can read 100 chaps on them)

    • Meaningful_Life 11

      Have you tried my house of horror? They have the same author and I don't think the plot is too different. I really don't know how to explain it but just try it, y'know.

      • Animo 10

        Both plots are quite different though.

      • Meaningful_Life 11

        Obv it will be since they are two different novels but i think the concept is similar, like the structure seems to be no different

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  • Mbboi1234 13


    Edited: 4mo
  • Uncolored 4


  • Pengue0914 1

    Translations is finally done 🥳

  • Uncolored 4

    Finally i got myself some free time I'm gonna finish this for good

    • Pengue0914 1

      The translation isn't fully out yet

      • Uncolored 4

        I'll just learn Chinese

      • BleakestOne 6

        So, slightly bad news, i tried reading the Chinese raws i found online, then realized halfway through that the paragraph order was a mess... (Or maybe i'm just horrid at searching for good raws)

      • Uncolored 4

        Heh MTL is life I don't need raw.

      • Pengue0914 1

        The last six chapter will be fully translated wayy before then 😭

      • Uncolored 4

        Im not sure, when i started reading this first there where 973 chapters now a year and a half later there is 994 chapters 😞

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  • Yuia 1

    Wow ,new chapters.Thank u
