Sevens (Web Novel) novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Mishima Yomu. 364 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
Sevens (Web Novel) novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Mishima Yomu. 364 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
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Guys can you drop the Mr. Lyle one liners you remember? ❤ I forgot them and their Funny AF. Been yrs since I've read this, one of the Best, same with Everyone else is a Returnee. Mr. Lyle moments are the best thing here, like Monday Gatherings in LotM😍😍😍
Of course. Delete all coments except my Sevens rant... I was angry back then, the ending is bad and the romance is even worse, but the series has some value(the ancestors)
It was painfully obvious it was going to be Novem at the end. Too many women with him and poorly developed relationships. I mean why tf were marina and Marianne added ffs😭. And again with the anime/Japanese stereotype of the MC always getting easily flustered or running away from the steamy parts. He’s always around them so why. Ughhh mr Lyle was the best thing in this novel
Done with this shit. It was terribly slow at the beginning then it actually got going. It became good. Then the ending was blehhh.
Part 8 Who was the genius that recreated the worst mistake of the chinese dinasties and secluted the harem and kids to the palace? And why 25 girls? To be honest i tought Alette was gonna join, they flirt in a couple of ocassions. But harem was getting bloated, Monica even complains about the lack of screen time, and they married her with one of the reatiner knights. Wasted. Marina was teased when he was increasing his power, but it never happen. She fights May, became pals with her, and joins the harem when Lyle and her only spoke once. Thelma and Aura had the chance for it to become more, but they are just their country token. Princess of Lorphys is a joke. Tanya agent name being Tanhia is stupid and she just dissapears! Lyle flirts with her in normal mode pretty early, but the one he got is Marianne, why? The half sister from the king of the south gets teased a lot and she doeant even appear. Number 1-3 die, and no one cares.
Part 7. After this point the girls start just being convenient tools. There are other girls in between but will counr extras and candidates that never came at the end Vera is a a pile of gold. And Lyle favourite girl, he spends a lot of his leisure time just chilling with her. To be honest Lyle relation with her father is just cute. She wasnt able to join factions to weaken Beim, and got to become Lyle second confort girl. Gracia and Elsa relationship gets ruined just from Lyle playing around, that one mever healed they literraly are just war potencial and their countries, Same with Lumillia, who even if she has more to her, but as they join late, theres basically no interactions. And those are all the main girls. The biggest mistake was making most romance happen offscreen. Like when he kissed everyone to activate connection the first time.
Part 6 Why Eva joined the harem? They contracted her for a job, they later encounter her when Lyle was having a date with Sharon. Then Celes attacks and leaves her gravely injured. The result of that is joining the Harem and the suicide mission Theres barely interaction between the two that isnt work matters May... Was a gift from the fifth i guess, she is the work horse and thing that can fly. She fights good, and is happy just eating. Not even mentioned for most of the ending, lost her arm and dissapeared, thought she might be dead for a minute. Doesnt even appear in epilogue despite she being able to live to see it. Its the last romance partner that wasnt used as a political tool in order to make Lyle emperor
Part 5 Monica is just so out of place. Why introduce a maid, horny, masochistic, programed to be tsundere robot? They wanted to foreshadow that it was a postapocaliptic fantasy world, but as they never did Octo side quest it goes nowhere. Lyle treats her like trash until really late despite her being generally resourfull and productive. My gripe is that they never went anywhere with her character, she just remains the same. It nevers feels like Love, its just like playing a character. And there too little romance or deep conversation regarding her not being human, or her being inmortal, or being unable to carry children of her own. . . Was she even considered a misstress in the end? They also did a fakeout dead TWICE! Even so she took first kiss(For a moment thought they implied she also took his virginity)
Part 4 Sharon is completely wasted, she has some paralels with Celes and a troubled upbring, and a busted detection skill. But Lyle literally has a integrated map, making her useless as a support. She never developed her skill, and even her romance was pushed into an extra chapter. She is literally a useless load that come included with Miranda. She has the strongest personality and plays better of Lyle, she should have become the empress. The ending might be better for Lyle then.
Part 3 Clara is the weirdest case. She is just a normal random girl Lyle met. No backstory no bloodline, just herself. And its the only girl Lyle voluntarily invites into his party/harem... Novem ruined that moment tho. But why would she stay with Lyle? Inmediatly after joining she got confessed she was used and was being lead into a suicidal mission. SHE COULDNT LOVE LYLE ENOUGHT TO STAY FROM THAT, THEY KNEW EACH OTHER FOR LIKE 2 MONTHS. She kinda was his favourite girl as he spend more of his leisure time with her, even before he came to accept the harem. Until she gets somewhat more conflicting and muddled inte imperial affairs and Vera takes her place. Then she became a hermit. Miranda got the role of underhanded girl, cause someone had to fight Novem. She comes into obsesingly loving Lyle too fast, lyle feels more fear than love from those two.