The Dark King
The Dark King

The Dark King

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RANK 280
1279 Chapters 1.69M Views 2.64K Bookmarked Completed Status

The Dark King novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Ancient Xi. 1279 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three hundred years later, Dudian wakes up and must become Dean to survive. Who can he trust in this world overrun by monsters without and within?

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 6
: 1 comment on Chapter 1
: 1 comment on Chapter 2

    Really good novel and the subject of the novel world building and how humans behave is the main topic here/ the power system is bit unorganized and power leveling is rushed especially for the mc he became god in the age of 24 but other humans were trying for 200 years and the insects and aragami for thousands of years.. but it’s ok / my problem with the novel is the mc is the type how can’t sit still for more than 2 chapters its like the world and the author want him to suffer/ and get betrayed by his people family and lover its just to much .. huuh

  • lnwUser80396 1

    Stop reading! It's annoying! When I first read the comments, I decided to give it a try. At first, it was fun and bearable because there were many fun scenes. But after chapter 330 and up, the more I read, the more I felt a headache.

  • HajimeKurotsuchi 4

    I think, the weird aspect of the Novel is that basically, What the author was trying to build was left behind by him, there are so many characters with so much past, that he could have build upon honestly but I like it alot like that, it was better to watch the Expansive World building and World breakers. Then I would have done to read repetitive story, it was one ride after another.

  • AssGoblin007 10

    This novel fell off HARD. wtf was that ending bruh just LOTM but dogwater. Like dawg if you need an afterword for your ending to explain it you should probably rethink it lol

    • companion 4

      He had to explain because a sh*t ton of people were complaining "waaa waaa where my happy ending waa waaaa why Aisha want to kill him 😭😭" like brother if you cant understand the book then just f*ck*ng close it...

  • Buns 8

    The beginning was good and drew me in, the story was interesting and developing nicely in a dark way. There was sufficiently relatable character development and the world building was intriguing. Then the content became more and more gruesome and repetitive. Halfway through the TL was getting outrageously worse so much so that I felt even the actual human translators had given up on it and gen1 translation software took over. The last fifth of the novel became arguably -in my personal opinion- stretched out contrieved drivel and the ending was way out of line. So much so that it requires an "Afterword" of the author to "explain" what apparently couldn't be transported in a stretched out 800 chapters novel. There are some people who seem to like it, I found it very difficult to finish. If I only read the first half of the book I would have rated it 4+ stars, but after finishing I think 2.5 stars is appropriate.

  • LadyDias 1

    I only have two things to say about this ending: WTF?? IS THIS SERIOUS??

    Edited: 7mo
    • unworthy 2

      do elaborate.

      • Lostfromlife 7

        To say it in a simple way, THe MC's suffering is just invalidated yet again, ending is confusing, The romance is even more f*ck*d up and overall just leaves a bad taste in ur mouth.

      • HajimeKurotsuchi 4

        Mc suffering is not invalidated. The Author literally mentioned, the purpose of him writing the Novel this way, just check the author afterwords without making any assumptions!!

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  • SandyLiwag 1

    is this worth it ?

    • AssGoblin007 10

      It was until the utter disaster of an ending that was just like WTF???? LMAO

      • Cray6m2t5 1

        Nice PFP I see you're a man of culture

  • HajimeKurotsuchi 4

    Ngl, This Novel is easily top ten. Unfortunately, the translation is bad, Wish someone just translate it with Chatgtp Or something and post it here. But anyway, if you have enough of Novel's with protagonist with good and easy lives. This is your cup of tea.

  • AbyssalSpectra 1

    Can anybody tell me which type of LN this is And is it wort it to read?

    • PhantomBeing 1

      It's a high ranking novel but translation is just badly edited mtl level and ending is not so good.

      • companion 4

        the f*ck you mean "ending is not good"????? the ending was goated

      • heavensplan 1

        ion think others agree💔

      • PhantomBeing 1

        The onset of betrayal was just too sudden. And, somehow, all his subordinates somehow got forced to betray him or betrayed him. And, the fate of Aisha was also too forced. The enemies escaped luckily. MC couldn't find solution to zombie virus. She luckily found the virus cure but was captured by villians when MC couldn't even find her.

      • companion 4

        His friends and allies betrayal has been hinted in the last 30 or so chapters and it was to be expected since he became a god and they were afraid of him, also he can cure aisha anytime he wants but he doesnt cuz she wants to kill him because of what he became in the end and she blames herself for that... villains survived because Dean didnt care to kill her since he is, once again, a GOD. If you havent read the afterword that author uploaded you should read it he answers a lot of stuff there like-Spoiler- the story would have always had a sad ending, it was the natural outcome

      • PhantomBeing 1

        I have read the afterword and know the hintings in last chapter. But all these things were abrupt. And, the revival and such kind of feels off to me. And, about sad ending being fixed since the start, I don't think a story should be bound by the initial plan. It's necessary to have proper plan from the start but author should consider if the ending needs to be modified. They shouldn't modify it casually but as autjor write it, the characters sort of come alive. They are puppet to the plot but sometimes, they should be autonomous enough to change the plot. The author may have planned particular ending but the decision for that may be out of character to mc or other characters.

      • companion 4

        You got a point there but I still think the story was a masterpiece, i love it cuz sad endings are my absolute favorite be and they are more of a natural or a real ending to a story such as this, but hey man i respect ur opinion and I hope u live a blessed life

      • Bob360 4

        Tried reading "sword God in the world of magic"

      • companion 4

        I read it 3 times my boy 💀💀, its a good book too

      • Bob360 4

        Even though I agree this novel is good, I just can't bring myself to reread it multiple times. No matter how much I enjoy a book or how impactful it is, I just can’t get into reading it again. But if I forgot the story then I'll reread it. Which one do you prefer, Shang or Alex?

      • companion 4

        Honestly I prefer Shang cuz cuz Alex is way yo naive and righteous ngl and Shang got that drive for power, to make his goal come true. I cant not like someone that is unyielding like that

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  • LightingDark666666 1

    Actually It's a good read! I just felt sad because of the Translation. but anyway I highly recommend this novel It have an interesting plot.
