The Perfect Run

Rank 103

List of reviews made by users for the The Perfect Run novel.

188 users have written reviews for the The Perfect Run novel and rated it with an average score of 5.0 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 103rd among all the novels in the Light Novel World platform.

188 Reviews

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nakiri__ 2
Chapter 130 2 days ago

If you're thinking whether you should read this novel or not. Do It. This is arguably the best novel I have read. It gave more Joy, Laughs, Depression and Hope in 130 chapters than most if not every novel above 1000 chapters on this website. Also one of the only novels I found completely amazing to the very end; there is absolutely no dip in writing quality throughout, complete with nuanced and thoughtful romance (almost impossible). Been an honour reading, probably my first and only review, I don't see anything topping this. o7

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AakBamba 10
Chapter 130 4 days ago

When I started reading The Perfect Run, I was expecting that it was a Gold. Nay, it was a diamond, with all sorts of gemstones hidden behind it. It's all started with the explosive introduction of the MC. He has a perfect blend of strong superpower that's not too broken that complemented his personality. Eventhough he seemed humorous and carefree, you will find out later that he could also be serious and determined when it comes to his goals. The characters, including the MC, really felt alive because they are really detailed and consistent with their personality. You discover more and learn their charm progressively through each loop. The plot is pretty typical, it's just a time loop story in a superhero setting, but the world building are superb and very rich. It's a superhero story that isn't about good vs evil. It's about people with superpowers trying to rebuild the civilization back with their own way after chaos has destroyed the world. D*mn!!! I couldn't write more than th-

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Alex_Row 5
Chapter 130 6 days ago

It was a difficult beginning, I even had a desire to stop reading, but the realization that it was only chapter 12 stopped me, I gave the novel a chance and did not regret it, the further you read, the more you don't want to put it down. Many of the characters have become my favorites, including some of the enemies that are actually quite cute. The main character as the Joker hides a wounded heart behind jokes.

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Wicowan 3
Chapter 128 6 days ago

ngl Ryan is one of the coolest mc i've seen, 10/10 characters, 10/10 world building, maybe the only critique I have is the pace, which can be sometimes quite slow, but definitely one of the greatest novel ever written.

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Freshman 9
Chapter 130 8 days ago

I highly recommend this novel and it is actually one of the best novels I have read. I instantly fell in love at the first chapter and the quality didn't decease. Although I got existential crisis at the end but I was also happy for the MC. I give this a solid 9/10

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BottledStorm 11
Chapter 130 9 days ago

This story hooks you in with humour and satire, then s*ck*r punches you with a great storyline, good characters and an interesting world. Could not recommend more.

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Surgencio 1
Chapter 130 10 days ago

really good novel, i loved the ending, and the whole story, the way Ryan progresses is good and the romance is also nice, 10/10 would recomend it to others

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AndrewChen 1
Chapter 88 10 days ago

Perfect. What else to say? I would no doubt read it over and over again if I happened to the looped. Characters = Has development and are nuanced Plot = Great ideas and twists all throughout Comedy = On point and are full of niche references Pacing = A good balance of action and narration Tier 1 novel all the way, there has only been one other novel who has made it to my tier 1 list and that is The Three Body Problem. You should start your experience of The Perfect Run --- Now.

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Kaigub 5
Chapter 130 11 days ago

What a lovely experience this novel was, it's a book with soul you can really feel the heart and passion the author has put into the story aswell as the interactions between the characters feels warm, genuine, but most of all engaging. I really love the philosophical themes that underlay Ryan's journey to his Perfect Run and I really feel like that it allows it too shine and rise above a majority of webnovels.

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Wisdomz 1
Chapter 130 12 days ago

Much like the name, the story is perfect. I picked it up as as a short, interesting concept as a filler between reading my next book. Instead, what I got was many sleepless nights. You will constantly guess at what happens next; you will relish in the unpredictability of the actions that follow; you will find your heartstrings played with, and your ribs chuckling with laughter. This book is an *ultimate* (you'll get the pun) balance between pacing, narrative and life. There is never a monotonous moment, you learn the world along with our character, and the entire world is vividly *real*. It's a perfect book, not solely by a perfect ending, but because it's lighthearted throughout, *by design*. You won't regret experiencing this masterpiece.

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