The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

히로인을 강탈한 악당이 되었다

RANK 373
280 Chapters 878K Views 3.39K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Broken Finger. 280 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


When I read the development of the heroine getting stolen away, I left a malicious comment to the author.

But then I woke up later, and I’m now the villain who is supposed to steal the heroine.

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: 1 comment on Chapter 23: On Duty
  • Primordial____Law 1

    Hmm... Don't mind me, I'm just here to check how much twisted sh*t I can handle... ... .. . Note: I forgot that I already got caught up with latest chapter with my previous account which got banned... Sigh, I'm out

    Edited: 7d
  • tribluation 1

    what he did to lizzy was so uncalled for 😭 the author 100% had an ex named lizzy because oh myy

  • DemonLord212 1

    people are scaring me lol, they're describing this as if its a book from he'll. but let's see for myself what it really is

    • Levaiton 1

      Goodluck on the battlefield bro, let me know if u figure out wtf is wrong with the person who wrote this novel.

      • DemonLord212 1

        lmao, does the mc get better or not, he treats his wife do badly, I hope he changes

      • Levaiton 1

        There is a reason it seems like people are descirbing it as a book from hell, take it with a grain of salt cause i dont remember evreything too properly anymore but for a majority of the book and i mean MAJORITY he well hase MINNIMAL improvements

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  • AbstractAusterity 1

    This is a exceedingly disgusting book. The MC cannot be called a human with his twisted psychology. Not a single redeeming quality is there in him. If it was simple r*pe, it would be something one can digest, but no, the actions that he takes would put h*tl*r to shame. The amount of abuse he does to crippled mentally broken girl is something untolerable and ununderstanable. I have read many f*ck*d up novels, but this one really tops out in making me disgusted with myself for even reading this.

    • Animo 10

      I think, this is a twisted masterpiece. Honestly, it can even put Fang Yuan to shame.

  • NamelessShadow 6

    Nah what are these tags 💀💀💀

  • nyx56 5

    I sometimes just wonder what f*ck*d up experience did the author went through to craft such a twisted masterpiece.

    • ImmortalSosa 1

      500 years of experience.

  • Uncolored 4

    Why the f*ck is the writing so sophisticated? This is just a f*ck f*ck novel

  • Ankyshoyoo2 5

    I don't even know how far I've fallen when after reading tags I felt at peace finally after finding something I like? Yeah I've truly become a degenerate! Save me Pepperrrrr 😭

  • Cain929 1

    It is good read if like R-rated work

  • Relatable 6

    Imma drop this due to the spoilers... like wtf is that s*x scene
