An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. Her first attempt at taking down a supervillain sees her mistaken for one, thrusting her into the midst of the local ‘cape’ scene’s politics, unwritten rules, and ambiguous morals. As she risks life and limb, Taylor faces the dilemma of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons.
The story, titled Worm, takes the form of a web serial, posted in bite-sized reads in much the same way that authors such as Mark Twain would release their works one chapter at a time in the days before full-fledged novels. Worm started in June 2011, updating twice a week, and finished in late November, 2013. It totals roughly 1,680,000 words; roughly 26 typical novels in length (or 10-11 very thick novels). The story updated on Tuesdays and Saturdays, with bonus chapters appearing on the occasional Thursday, as explained below.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
I am not that far in the novel, but the whole bullying thing is getting on my nerves, does she finally decides to do something, at least fight back? If not then i will take author's advise on first chapter and not read it any further.
This is the original site where you can read it for free, I know sharing links isn't allowed, but it would be disrespectful not do share it, especially since it's free
Anybody out here? I'm dumb so maybe I'm hallucinating but it says Parahumans #1. So, does that mean it has a sequel?
It is downright criminal how low this and a practical guide to evil is…
Hey worm's here! Man for one of the best things i've ever read it sure does have a low rank. To be honest this probably beats out shadow slave for me and i love that.
I have to say to anyone who's not sure whether they should read this, maybe because of rank, f*ck the rank. Don't listen to what other people think of it. Read this for yourself and see how amazing it is
WORM????? I'm so happy this is here for no reason other than loving the story and the Author's other works
Is this complete? I wanted to read it from the official website but for some reason my browser separates and joins the words and I can't understand anything
Can someone try to convince me of reading this ? I just want to know more about the type of things I will found in this novel, like a review with your opinions, without spoilers please.
Similars novel ?