Lightning Is the Only Way

Rank 30

List of reviews made by users for the Lightning Is the Only Way novel.

69 users have written reviews for the Lightning Is the Only Way novel and rated it with an average score of 4.4 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 30th among all the novels in the Light Novel World platform.

69 Reviews

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HunchD 2
Chapter 1329 9 days ago

Definitely belongs to the top 20 novels in this site. It's a seinen cultivation novel and now I'm confident that anything Warmasaich writes is gonna be worth the read. Some people were not satisfied with the ending but I loved it and everyone should judge it themselves.

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FallenIntoDespair 13
Chapter 1329 24 days ago

Anything warmaisach writes is better than most novels in here, obviously this is not an exception. Mc has more lows than highs imo and the story is decent. Most characters are simply fine and the power system and fights are good. Romance is the worst part about this novel, it was much better before it started I'd give it a 3. 5/5 if I could

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NikRuisu 10
Chapter 1329 27 days ago

Defitnitly worth a read. It'll not be one of the best Novels but it still is really great. Plot is logical and makes a lot of sense while keeping the complexity down. Characters are relateable and written in a great manner. Power system and power-ups make a lot of sense and aren't taken out of the author's *ss but my favourite part of this Novel is the World Building because it just way too reasonable, to not understand. Also the end may seemed rushed but in my opinion it was a great conclusion because the power system seemed to get repetitiv like in 99% of cultivation novels but the author managed it really great.

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Xandros_The_Lich 8
Chapter 1329 28 days ago

This story is peak Xianxia not people can think and aren't 1 Dimensional loot drops for our mc, the side cast gets fleshed out pretty well and while some get forgotten along the way most don't. The power system is Peak, everything from how the laws work to the fights its all masterfully done, the power system is sooo good in fact it allows the Mc and other characters reasonable explanations for why they can jump levels. Yes you heard me right other people can jump levels than our mc, that's not even the craziest part our Mc? Isn't even as op as his dad until the final battle oh yeah powerscaling goes crazy in this verse.

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Supremedao1st 12
Chapter 1329 one month ago

I won't say much just that from peak side characters that have one of the most amazing character developments you will ever see in light novels to a peak mc with great writing to peak fights. Basically just 5/5 novel if you want to read something with action but also be a masterpiece at it. I think it's a must read if you like action magic and etc. A great journey overall for me

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ExaltedPeasant 9
Chapter 1329 one month ago

This was a fantastic cultivation novel I feel like the ending could use more oompf but overall its a good way to tie everything up. If you’re coming from Shangs journey to power this is the opposite, more emphasis on emotions less on a killing machine of entropy (still dont know who came thru the gate at the end).

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Voidblank 11
Chapter 1329 2 months ago

15 Feb 2024, 12:05 am So, that was something. I don't know what to say here. The ending kinda felt lackluster to me, maybe it's just because I've read too many novels out of the norm which don't really end in a happy ending. It's been a long while. The story was much better than Shang's story in Sword God, mostly because it had a lot of side characters which I liked. Call it a personal bias, but I'd give it 5/5. Just because I honestly do like happy endings, even though they're highly unlikely to happen. That's all folks! Peace ✌🏻

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The_Selfless 2
Chapter 157 2 months ago

Title 75/100 Start 90/100 Development 100/100 Middle 80/100 End 85/100 Story 80/100 Mood NORMAL Power up RATIONAL Best part is that it explains what every level means and how powerful others are in reality

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TAs9_Dragon 1
Chapter 1329 3 months ago

The emotions contained at the end of this book can’t be defined. After reading SGIAWOM, this novel acted as a reminder that not all stories need to end in such a depressive state.

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  • Pirata_Free_Spirit 15

    This is reassuring after that one experience, for a moment I truly believed that Warmaisach was a tragedy enthusiast

sayyyaf 6
Chapter 1329 3 months ago

A very good story, not great. If you want a good read, you should definitely read this. I almost thought I would drop this half way but it always kept me reading for more. It feels kinda lacking but that's why I say it's a really well written good story, not just great

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  • ExaltedPeasant 9

    Agreed all the law talk kinda made it boring but I got thru it in the end definitely worth the read but not a top 10
